Rodney Howard Browne – Lena M. Testimony

Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.

When I first came to RBI my favorite way to serve God and to live for the Lord was to win souls. I had been winning souls since I was saved in 2004. I came to RBI because I heard amazing testimonies of how people were winning thousands of souls and I wanted to be part of these exploits. Using the script is an awesome way to preach the Gospel with such focus and intent that it simply tells the whole Gospel and then brings people to the point of making a decision in just a few minutes. For me personally, I had prayed many times that God would use me to bring thousands, even millions of souls into the kingdom.

This was more than a prayer, but a deep cry of my heart that God put there, and I know that he has begun to fulfill this desire and prayer by bringing me to RBI and The River Church. Preaching the Gospel is such a crucial part of being a Christian, and I am very excited to be able to teach others what I’ve learned scripturally about our responsibility to preach. There is much deception and fear about this central part of the Gospel in the body of Christ, and I believe that with what I now have learned in the Bible about winning souls, I will be able to help others walk this out as well.

Many people in the body of Christ are unfulfilled and lacking joy because they are missing out on preaching the Gospel and having the kingdom manifest through them, because this is what every person was created to do.

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