Persecution From Old Friends by Rodney Howard Browne

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Rodney Howard Browne says that  since Christ suffered in the flesh for us, for you, arm yourselves with the same thought and purpose [patiently to suffer rather than fail to please God]. For whoever has suffered in the flesh [having the mind of Christ] is done with [intentional] sin [has stopped pleasing himself and the world, and pleases God], 2 So that he can no longer spend the rest of his natural life living by [his] human appetites and desires, but [he lives] for what God wills. 3 For the time that is past already suffices for doing what the Gentiles like to do—living [as you have done] in shameless, insolent wantonness, in lustful desires, drunkenness, reveling, drinking bouts and abominable, lawless idolatries. 4 They are astonished and think it very queer that you do not now run hand in hand with them in the same excesses of dissipation, and they abuse [you]. 5 But they will have to give an account to Him Who is ready to judge and pass sentence on the living and the dead.  1 Peter 4:1-5 AMP

Verse 1:
So, since Christ suffered in the flesh for us, for you, arm yourselves with the same thought and purpose [patiently to suffer rather than fail to please God]. For whoever has suffered in the flesh [having the mind of Christ] is done with [intentional] sin [has stopped pleasing himself and the world, and pleases God] according to Rodney Howard Brown.

Rodney Howard Browne stated that the sufferings of Christ make the strongest and best arguments against sin. Jesus Christ suffered in His flesh all for you and me—He died to destroy sin and its power over us. He cheerfully submitted to the worst sufferings, but never once did He yield to the least bit of sin. It was this suffering and bloodshed that purchased our freedom from sin. Since we know that He suffered so greatly in His quest to save you and me from our sins, should we not also strive with all our might to walk free from sin and walk in His ways from now on? Should we not also cease pleasing ourselves and our carnal nature and strive to rather please God by Great Awakening tours.

Verse 2:
So that he can no longer spend the rest of his natural life living by [his] human appetites and desires, but [he lives] for what God wills.

Rodney Howard Brown says that if man was not already corrupt, temptations would not prevail. James 1:13-15 ERV says, “Whenever you feel tempted to do something bad, you should not say, “God is tempting me.” Evil cannot tempt God, and God himself does not tempt anyone. 14 You are tempted by the evil things you want. Your own desire leads you away and traps you. 15 Your desire grows inside you until it results in sin. Then the sin grows bigger and bigger and finally ends in death.”  True Christians make God’s will the rule for their lives and their actions—not their own lust or desires. When someone is truly born-again there is a wonderful, corresponding change that takes place in their heart and behavior! Rodney Howard Browne have told us that this change is seen in their attitude, their judgment, their conversation and their choices. The truly converted person is grieved over their past sin. He or she does not look back on his or her past life with any pride, joy or longing. As far as they are concerned, that was the old man who is now dead and their new man is now following hard after God alone.

Verse 3&4:
For the time that is past already suffices for doing what the Gentiles like to do—living [as you have done] in shameless, insolent wantonness, in lustful desires, drunkenness, reveling, drinking bouts and abominable, lawless idolatries. They are astonished and think it very queer that you do not now run hand in hand with them in the same excesses of dissipation, and they abuse [you].

Rodney Howard Browne stated that before you gave your life to Jesus, you lived a certain way—you lived an ungodly life. You may have thought of yourself as a basically “good” person, who just did a few small things wrong or you may truthfully acknowledge that you and your friends embraced sin fully and went all out to “enjoy” yourself and accommodate your flesh. Either way, you were all still sinners. Some of us have friends who also give their lives to the Lord around the time we do. Great Awakening Tours told them that perhaps they find Jesus first and tell us the good news; sometimes we are the ones who lead them to the Lord. Many times though, you receive Jesus, but your friends think you are crazy. They think it’s weird that you don’t still hang out with them and do the things you do. They might tease you or mock you or even get angry with you and abuse you verbally or even physically.

You need to realize that they really don’t understand what has happened to you—their eyes have not yet been opened to the grace of God like yours have. You need to work to keep your heart right. Don’t be angry or offended at them and don’t allow the peer pressure to suck you back into your old, ungodly life-style. Just allow the love of God to rise up in you and know that you will come through this. If you don’t fight back and you show them love and forgiveness, you have a chance to win them for Jesus Christ.

Verse 5:
But they will have to give an account to Him Who is ready to judge and pass sentence on the living and the dead.

Always keep in mind that every person will need to give an account to Jesus Christ on the Day of Judgment. Do not try to fight your own battles. Trust the Lord to protect and vindicate you. If you do it God’s way and walk in the love of God, He will take care of your friends. Pray for them and trust the Holy Spirit to work a work in their hearts and lives!

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